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Center for Dental Medicine

Prof. Dr. med. dent. Ronald E. Jung, PhD


Prof. Dr. med. dent. Ronald E. Jung, PhD
Contact: E-Mail:
Qualifications: Prof. Dr. med. dent., PhD
Specialist in Reconstructive Dentistry, Swiss Society of Reconstructive Dentistry
Affiliation: Clinic of Reconstructive Dentistry

Clinical Specialisations

WBA Implantologie

Research Interests

  • complex and esthetic reconstructive dentistry
  • implant dentistry
  • hard- and soft-tissue regeneration
  • digital technologies in reconstructive dentistry
  • preclinical and clinical research

Selected publications

Jung, R.E., Philipp, A., Annen, B.M., Signorelli, L., Thoma, D.S., Hämmerle, C.H.F., Attin, T., Schmidlin, P.
Radiographic evaluation of different techniques for alveolar ridge preservation after tooth extraction: A randomized controlled clinical trial. Journal of Clinical Periodontology; 2013

Jung, R. E., Fenner, N., Hämmerle, Zitzmann, N. Long-term outcomes of implants placed with guided bone regeneration (GBR) using resorbable and non-resorbable membranes afer 12 to 14 years. Clinical Oral Implant Research; 2012

Jung, R. E., Hälg, G.A., Thoma, D. S., Hämmerle, C. H. F.A randomized, controlled clinical trial to evaluate a new membrane for guided bone regeneration around dental implants. Clinical Oral Implants Research; 2009; 20, 162-168

Jung, R. E., Holderegger, C., Sailer, I., Khraisat, A., Suter, A., Hämmerle, C. H. F. The effect of all-ceramic and porcelain fused to metal restorations on marginal peri-implant soft tissue color: A randomized controlled clinical. International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry 2008; 28: 357-65

Jung, R. E., Sailer, I., Hämmerle, C. H. F., Attin, T., Schmidlin, P. In vitro color changes of the covering mucosa caused by restorative materials made of titanium and ceramic. International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry 2007; 27: 251-257

Jung, R. E., Glauser, R., Schärer, P., Hämmerle, C. H. F., Sailer, H. F., Weber, F. E. The effect of rhBMP-2 on guided bone regeneration in humans. A randomized, controlled clinical and histomorphometric study. Clinical Oral Implants Research 2003; 14: 556-568

Publications in ZORA (Zurich Open Repository and Archive)

ZORA Publication List

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