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Center for Dental Medicine

PD Dr. med. dent. Goran I. Benic


PD Dr. med. dent. Goran I. Benic
Contact: E-Mail:
Qualifications: PD Dr. med. dent., Specialist in Reconstructive Dentistry, Swiss Society of Reconstructive Dentistry
Affiliation: Clinic of Reconstructive Dentistry

Clinical Specialisations

Specialist in Reconstructive Dentistry, Swiss Society of Reconstructive Dentistry

Research Interests

  • Fixed and removable implant and tooth supported reconstructions
  • Bone and soft tissue augmentation procedures
  • Esthetics in reconstructive dentistry
  • Digital workflow in reconstructive dentistry
  • Clinical applications of CBCT imaging

Selected publications

Benic GI, Jung RE, Siegenthaler DW, Hämmerle CHF
Clinical and radiographic comparison of implants in regenerated or native bone: 5-year results. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 2009, 20: 507-513

Benic GI, Mokti M, Chen C-J, Weber H-P, Hämmerle CHF, Gallucci GO
Dimensions of buccal bone and mucosa at immediately placed implants after 7 years: a clinical and cone beam computed tomography study. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 2012, 23: 560-566

Benic GI, Wolleb K, Sancho-Puchades M, Hämmerle CHF
Systematic Review of parameters and methods for the professional assessment of aesthetics in dental implant research. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 2012, 39 (Suppl 12): 160-192

Benic GI, Gallucci GO, Mokti M, Hämmerle CHF, Weber HP, Jung RE
Titanium-zirconium narrow-diameter versus titanium regular-diameter implants for anterior and premolar single crowns: 1-year results of a randomized controlled clinical study. J Clinical Periodontology, 2013, 40: 1052-1061

Benic GI, Wolleb K, Hämmerle CHF, Sailer I
Effect of the color of intra-radicular post on the color of buccal gingiva: a clinical spectrophotometric evaluation. International Journal Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry, 2013, 6: 733-741

Benic GI, Mir-Mari J, Hämmerle CHF
Loading protocols for single implant crowns: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Oral & Maxillofac Implants, Accepted for publication

Publications in ZORA (Zurich Open Repository and Archive)

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